'Baa-ter or Barter Economy?'
It has been a pleasure this week to discover that the president set pre-middle ages, of a barter economy amongst village folk along the Pilgrim's way (that I read about in Chaucer) is still alive and gamboling; for a wee bit longer at least! in the hills of Kent in 2010.
I have traded a painting or two, from the 10x10 daily series as above, for half a Kent lamb grazed on the local hills and slaughtered and to my front door within hours.
Not that I suggest you turn up to my last open studio weekend with livestock or poultry under your arms to see what is going for fair trade. But it is good to see that the creative economy can benefit from old fashioned yard haggling.
I should try this on my consultancy clients.....
I bartered two small paintings for some linen tablecloths during my first year of SEOS. I was pleased - my accountant mortified...