Time was called upon my participation in SEOS 2010 at 18.00hrs Sunday 20th June. I have had 86 visitors over the 8 days I was open and sold some work to new and past buyers. So to those new collectors of Rod McIntosh, I say;
"Thank you, and welcome to a journey I hope
we will continue to take together."
Sales are great; it is rewarding putting money in the bank to pay the fees and subscriptions I have. However what again I was surprised at were the conversations I had. From those who came out of their way to find me (thank you for your persistence with SatNav and maps) and those that rambled across me or were out in the car. I would like to share some of their comments.
- very zen
- great location, so peaceful, what a space to work in, what a view!
- the poppies moved me, the drips of blood red and then almost erasing of the marks, like a memory that should not be forgotten
- your textures and surfaces are delicious
- the little ones are like glazed gems
- like ceramic tiles, remind me of Delft ware, would love to see a whole wall full
- the circle piece is haunting
- when are you running classes?
Thank you!
To check out what I got up to in the studio visit my Flickr site and for news of courses send me an email at rod@dawltonbarn.co.uk
Of course my involvement with SEOS does not stop here. As Chairman I look forward to reviewing this year with my team and members, holding our AGM in July and starting the planning for making SEOS 2011 even better than this year.
Artists wishing to participate in next years event visit the website and register your interest with the Database officer. I look forward to welcoming you next year.
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