

Friday, 11 February 2011

Ceci n'est pas un tube de peinture

South East Open Studios have asked members to interpret the 'paint tube' logo in their particular artform. The opportunity is to translate the familiar ident of the long standing arts organisation across the south east into a more inclusive image. A glass tube, welded metal carved stone, rag rugs, felt cushions, engraving or enameled silver, to name a few. Membership has gone above 300 for a second year running and it encompasses over 40 disciplines within the fine art and craft/making traditions. We are more than painters.

I am playing with casting tubes of paint and re-modeling with these contradictory mediums carved onto the label in text.

Entries will be used on the front cover of our guide and throughout the website and during the event.

Dates of which are 3rd -21st June 2011

Check out the website for individual opening times, artists trails and searching for a gift or start or add to your collection.

Monday, 7 February 2011

I Did It!

The Kaizen approach works. This Sunday saw me complete my first 10km run. The Ashford & District Road Running Club event. Training was made easier by the fabulous Lisa at RIE Ashford with weekly club runs and encouragement to improve, consolidate and stretch. Thanks also to my club chums.
My time was 1 hour and 6 minutes a Personal Best and one to beat at the next event.
Now to the studio and apply kaizen to the work.