So the freeze has set in deep throughout Kent. Country Lore tells us that the best recipe for Sloe Gin is made with sloes left on the bush for the first harsh frost. So braving the snow we went out along our hedgerow and picked a couple of kilos of the little purple frosted gems.
Tempted by further words of folkloric wisdom I am making sloe vodka and sloe schnapps this year. Any excuse to escape the cold of the studio. So the creative juices flowing for me presently are white spirits... (hic)
For those interested the Recipe I work to is:
- 1 litre of gin (generic own brand is adequate! but be aware checkout operators do look alarmed if you buy 30 litres of the stuff!)
- 250 grams of sugar
- 250 grams of sloes, either those picked early and pricked with a hawthorn, left on the bush for the first frost, or picked and frozen in the deep freeze, or picked and hit with a mallet.
- you can add caraway seeds, licorice sticks, cloves, black pepper corns or cinnamon for a spiced alternative.
I will be serving a 2004 vintage of pricked season end sloes on Friday at the show, so mail me for an invite.