Two Fairs in Two Months... twice the chance to see and buy new work.
Following on from the success of taking my own art work to
Brighton Art Fair last year, I decided to apply for it again this year. I will be taking work from the studio and enjoying a few days by the sea
16-19 September.
I have also decided to support the team of Jon Tutton and
Sarah Young with their venture of taking the excellent BAF product to London and I will be exhibiting in the inaugural
Palace Art Fair 2010 in Fulham Palace,
7-10 October.Art Fairs have been good to me. I have enjoyed taking groups of artists to fairs, fueled by the energy and buzz that you get from other participants and the punters. I have been invited to speak at several on developing successful sales and networking opportunities and indeed mentored artists during BAF several years back. I now find myself doing it for myself once more and relish the thought; a heady mix of market stall vendor and critical friend to those looking to make a first purchase or hardy collectors. Come and see me. Say Hi!